The Rapkin and Schwartz (2004) model of response shift conceptualizes it as an epiphenomenon that is inferred when changes in appraisal over time explain variance in the discrepancy between expected and observed quality of life scores. The QOL Appraisal Profile is the current preferred method for assessing appraisal.

The QOL Appraisal Profile © 2019 DeltaQuest Foundation

The QOL Appraisal Profile was developed to assess the four appraisal parameters in the Rapkin and Schwartz (2004) appraisal model. It is designed to be used as an adjunct to standard QOL measures. Data from the Appraisal Profile are coded and reduced to created scores for: (1) frame of reference; (2) recall and sampling of salient experiences; (3) standards of comparison used to appraise experiences; (4) subjective algorithm used for prioritizing and combining appraisals to arrive at a QOL rating

The Quality of Life Appraisal Profile - v2 © 2019 DeltaQuest Foundation

The Quality of Life Appraisal Profile – v2 (QOLAPv2) assess the following cognitive appraisal processes using 86 closed-ended Likert-scaled items: [1] Frame of Reference: QOL definition; [2] Frame of Reference: Goal Delineation; [3] Sampling of Experience; [4] Standards of Comparison; [5] Combinatory Algorithm. Sampling of Experience and Standards of Comparison worked well in the original QOLAP, and were imported unchanged into the QOLAPv2. In contrast, new closed-ended items were developed for the QOLAPv2 to reflect key themes for Frame of Reference and Combinatory Algorithm that emerged from past research.

The Brief Appraisal Inventory © 2019 DeltaQuest Foundation

The Brief Appraisal Inventory is a 23-item Likert-scaled measure that describes individual differences in what respondents think about when completing a QOL measure. This measure yields five component scores: Health Worries; Independence and Interpersonal; Accomplishing Goals and Problem-Solving; Calm Peaceful Active; and Spirituality and Altruism.

The Cognitive Appraisal Interview

The purpose of the Cognitive Interview is to determine the criteria study participants use to evaluate their own quality of life across 8 domains: overall health, emotional well-being, body image, pain, fatigue, bladder control, social activities, and role performance. Each domain contains 5 open-ended probes. The open-ended text data are then coded according to the DeltaQuest Coding Manual.