The Performance Scales ©, Registration Number / Date: TXu000743629 / 1996-04-04, Date of Creation: 1993, is a long time Registered Copyrighted Work owned by DeltaQuest Foundation, Inc. The DeltaQuest Foundation website publicly lists this copyrighted work in a grouping of its copyrighted works [e.g. see for a general description of such DeltaQuest measures and for specific listing in group of disease specific measures].

DeltaQuest Foundation, Inc. has sole ownership rights to reproduce the Performance Scales © in copies, including any electronically published, displayed or accessible digital form, (unless express permission has been granted by DeltaQuest Foundation, Inc.) and to all derivative works of the Performance Scales ©, including, without limitation, any work created therefrom or based thereon, such as any work employing the Performance Scales © as preexisting materials, any translation of the Performance Scales ©, or any other form in which the preexisting materials of the Performance Scales © has been recast, edited in revised form, modified, transformed or otherwise adapted into a work(s) derived therefrom.

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